
Starting dreads, but just not sure what you'll need?

We've done the hard work for you by putting together the bare essentials for starting locks from scratch (and in larger Kits, a few fun extras), at a discount!

Incredible locks
in weeks, not years.

Create and maintain beautiful locks in any hair type easier, faster, and cleaner with Knotty Boy Natural Dreadlock Care products.

Pure ingredients, simple instructions and limitless customer support. Think Dreadlocks, Think Knotty Boy - the Original Since 1998!


your source for all things Knotty Boy

Dreads For Wishes

Kalen Stevens-Heap of Vancouver, B.C., long-time dreadhead and Knotty Boy customer, 'sold' every last one of her 69 golden waist-length locks to ra...

Cycling With Sally

Nurse Belinda from New Zealand, and her Canadian hubby Roland, a teacher, began their epic journey in July 2009, tandem cycling 30,000 km from Prud...

Invisible Children

  Brian King, of Seattle, WA, started his dreads at the Knotty Boy Lock Shop & Salon in 2007, so it was only fitting that he came to us to hav...

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