How could we not include the ever famous Bjork buns!? This 'do' may not work so well for those of you with super firm dreads - your dreads need to be a little bendy to pull this one off. For some Big Time Dreaduality, grab 3 - 4 dreads (depending on the size you want the buns to be) and twist them around until they are nice and tight, slap an elastic or two over it and, presto-chango, you have a bun! Repeat until your whole head is done.
As you can see, we were digging feathers the night we took these pics so they've been added to the front, then looped strings of sequins around the buns to create that Midsummer Night's Dread effect. You can change it up by wrapping ribbons, string or grasses around them, or you just add cool elastics.